Te Aroha

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Featured Events

Friday 04 May 2018, from 09:00am

2018 Folk under the Mountain Festival, organised by the Te Aroha Folk & Acoustic Music Club

4th of May, 7pm-10pm: Come all ye sing along / meet the artists (free)

5th of May, 10am-12:30pm: Blackboard concert, folk musicians from near and far. All singers and musicians welcome!

5th of May, from 1:30pm: Main concert with special guest Vikki Clayton (Fairpoint Convention) and the Penman Family

5th of May, 5pm-7:30pm: Old time community bush dance (bring a plate for a shared supper)

Full Festival (incl. Dance) $35

All day ticket $20

Morning ticket $10, afternoon ticket $15

Bush Dance ticket $15

Location : Senior Citizen's Hall, 24 Church Street
Contact : www.facebook.com/folkunderthemountain
Please refer to facebook page for event times.

Event date range

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